computer simulation, risks, industrial engineering, Tecnomatix Plant Simulation, Experiment ManagerAbstract
Internal and external risk management has become an important issue in today's global business environment, which is fraught with health, natural, political, economic and technical threats. This article deals with the design of a methodology for problem-solving and risk management in connection with computer simulation. The risk management methodology proposed by us consists of individual steps, which are summarized into three stages - risk assessment, risk analysis and risk management. The proposed computer simulation methodology consists of several steps, for example creating a parametric simulation model, designing experiments, analysis of the simulation model results or the evaluation of the simulation results. These steps are described in the article. After completing the previous steps, we describe the points of an action plan and what it must contain to avoid consequences and the impact of risks at the lowest possible level. An example of the use of computer simulation is the risk situation associated with the fluctuation of employees. In the end, the proposed methodology is supported by the results of our research and its further direction.
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