Burnout syndrome, Coping strategies, Maslach Burnout Inventory, The Brief COPE, EntrepreneursAbstract
Nowadays, the issue of burnout syndrome is relatively extensive and increasingly manifested. Although burnout syndrome can affect anyone, certain differences in its occurrence are noticeable, especially in personality traits, gender, or the character of work. This article aims to assess the signals of burnout syndrome and coping strategies in terms of gender. The main determinants of burnout syndrome are Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Personal Accomplishment and are included in the Maslach Burnout Inventory, consisting of twenty-two questions, separately dealing with mentioned individual determinants. The Brief Cope inventory, which outlines fourteen strategies about how to cope with stress, was used to find out which coping strategies entrepreneurs used in difficult situations. The research was carried on a representative sample of entrepreneurs (N = 113) in the Slovak Republic by online questionary. The result of the analysis reported the existence of statistically significant differences (p < .05) between determinants of burnout syndrome and coping strategies in terms of gender among entrepreneurs in the assessment of selected determinants. Entrepreneurs used mostly problem-focused coping strategies like Active coping and Planning, an emotion-focused coping strategy of Humor, a dysfunctional coping strategy of Venting to mitigate the influence of difficult situations. The research assumed the existence of positive differences between the assessment of determinants of burnout syndrome in terms of gender. The results reported a higher tendency of female entrepreneurs to be more often emotionally exhausted than males. Personal Accomplishment and Depersonalization did not report any statistically significant differences in terms of gender.
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