
  • Gabriela Gabajová University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineerig, Department of Industrial Engineering
  • Martin Krajčovič University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineerig, Department of Industrial Engineering
  • Beáta Furmannová University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineerig, Department of Industrial Engineering
  • Marián Matys University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineerig, Department of Industrial Engineering
  • Vladimíra Biňasová University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineerig, Department of Industrial Engineering
  • Marián Stárek University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineerig, Department of Industrial Engineering



augmentation, marketing, mobile, experience, application


Today's market is oversaturated with new technologies that are slowly moving through our daily routine. Businesses often have to pursue new strategies to reach new customers and retain existing ones. Popular technologies of today undoubtedly include virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). The application of augmented reality in the field of trade, marketing, promotion of products and services has its own potential and justification. A questionnaire survey of the current state of  AR utilization in companies of Central Slovakia shows that the interest in the use of this technology exists in this area, although in practice it is implemented rather rarely. However, a suitable design solution and the worldwide trend of smartphone use can help to achieve the goal of greater implementation. The design of the methodology for the use of AR in the field of marketing consist of a sequence of several basic steps. Verification of the proposed methodology is carried out on a practical example by creating a real mobile application using augmented reality to promote the selected product. The final mobile application includes several attractive features for the end-user which can be accessed through a smartphone and displayed in augmented reality. Such a mobile application in augmented reality provides the company with a powerful marketing tool, but it also has its limitations.


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How to Cite

Gabajová, G. ., Krajčovič, M. ., Furmannová, B. ., Matys, M. ., Biňasová, V. ., & Stárek, M. . (2021). AUGMENTED REALITY AS A POWERFUL MARKETING TOOL. Proceedings of CBU in Economics and Business, 2, 41-47.
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