
  • Penio Lebamovski Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Robotics, Sofia, Bulgaria



boundary method, curve, extrusion, stereo system, stereometry, polygon, 3D printing


The software proposed in the report can be used as a technological tool in the teaching and learning of the discipline of stereometry. The aim is to improve the learning process by supporting the development of students’ creativity and spatial imagination, qualities needed in the study of spatial geometric bodies. A new boundary method is used in the generation of geometric objects. This new method uses elements of the Cavalieri Indivisible method and Isaac Newton's boundary method, thus achieving higher accuracy with respect to generated objects compared to 3D systems that use the rules of trigonometry in the construction of geometric bodies. This article performs a comparative analysis between a traditional and a new method for generating 3D geometric objects according to certain parameters and criteria. The new method involved in the analysis was proposed by the author of the report. While the traditional one is based on trigonometry. Two parameters were studied, one for accuracy in generating objects, and the second determining speed. In order to generate cylindrical bodies, are used the quadratic Bézier curve and the 3D modeling technique known as an extrusion, which transforms two-dimensional objects into three-dimensional ones.. One way to generate a prism and pyramid is by extruding polygons. This report presents a new way of constructing edged bodies. The considered technique for 3D modeling participates in the analysis of the studied methods.


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How to Cite

Lebamovski, P. . (2021). THE EFFECT OF 3D TECHNOLOGIES IN STEREOMETRY TRAINING. Proceedings of CBU in Natural Sciences and ICT, 2, 68-74.
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