
  • Olha Borysenko Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Department of Graphic Design and Book Art, Lviv
  • Stanislav Mygal National forest engineering university of Ukraine, Department of Design, Lviv



communication design, communication space, Galicia, objects / subjects of graphic design, sign-code


The development of information and communication technologies has determined their spreading in the design of the visual information environment of human activity. This was the main reason for this research — the search for the starting points of the communicative design in Galicia as the phenomenon of artistic-project culture and examining it. The methodological basis of the paper includes interdisciplinary and system approaches in solving the assigned tasks.

The comparative historical analysis and the culturological method has been used to analyze socio-cultural processes in Galicia. This paper analyzes the historical and socio-cultural preconditions for the formation and development of design in Galicia. This paper observed that public organizations, industrial committees, associations, educational and cultural societies have a salience role in improving the design of industrial products. The graphic design of printing products, advertising style, photo, and film productions models the communication characteristics and identity of the graphic design objects.

The result of the probability of design in Galicia was obvious due to the activity of artists, whose graphic design works created harmonious communicative encirclement of human activity.

The complexity of the language of European aesthetics and the sources of national creativity of the Galician masters constituted the paradigmatic basis of communication design. An integral communicative and multifaceted process in the context of socio-cultural transformation consolidated the phenomenon of formation and development of design in Galicia..


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How to Cite

Borysenko, O. ., & Mygal, S. . (2021). IMPACT OF SOCIO-CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE COMMUNICATIVE DESIGN IN GALICIA. Proceedings of CBU in Social Sciences, 2, 57-65.
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