
  • Diyana Georgieva Trakia University, Faculty of Education, Stara Zagora



sensory-integration therapy, treatment, children with multiple disabilities, aggressive behavior


In recent years, sensory-integration therapy has emerged as one of the most popular treatments for aggressive behavior in children with different disorders. This article is devoted to an experimental study aimed at determining the effects of sensory-integration therapy on the aggressive behavior of children with multiple disabilities. Eighteen children participated in the study. The registration of the children's behavioral responses for 24 consecutive school days allowed the collection of evidence in support of the thesis in the study. The individual child’s frequency of aggressive behaviors in four domains was recording on 12 days while undergoing sensory-integrative therapy and 12 days without a treatment with sensory-integrative techniques. The following methods were used in the analysis of the results: Paired samples t-tests to test the four null hypotheses, a Shaprio-Wilk test for the assumption of normality, Cohen's d to determine the effect size attributable to the therapy, and descriptive statistics for the dependent variables. The statistical results indicated a high level of significance for the three variables: aggression towards property, physical aggression, and aggression toward self. The obtained average values for the three modules are evidence for the positive effects of the sensory-based therapy in children with emotional and behavioral problems. The fourth variable, verbal aggression did not show a statistically significant difference between the mean values before and after the sensory-based intervention.


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