
  • Hermína Mareková Danubius University, Sládkovičovo



social work, legislation, change


There is a lot of discussion about social work, its forms, and whether social work is needed. If so, then in its existing or a different form? Often, only subjective thoughts or practical experiences are presented. They are subjective because, by pointing out the unfavorable situation, they describe a certain unidentifiable barrier, a shortcoming in building this profession, which social work has not been able to overcome in the past long period. As if we were wasting our chances of change. The performance of social work still has a socialist flavor, and therefore the Western models adopted in our country since the end of 1980's have not met with legislative support. This situation was partly caused by the fact that we took over "a little of each corner", without complexity, as if the richer competencies remained somewhere at the border crossing between Kittsee and Bratislava. It is not possible to compare the beginnings of social care in our country, which began elsewhere in the world in the '30-'40s, because, for ideological reasons, there was a certain effort to discredit some issues, together with other deviant problems. These ideological motivations have already disappeared but were replaced by economic reasons, which continued to prevent social care from undergoing a change of opinion and structure. Evidence of these shortcomings is also the fact that no government has so far embarked on the creation of family social policy, as if this situation suited all actors. Within the EU, considerable financial support comes to the social area, but it disappears in the wallets of non-profit organizations, often without control, and that is why there is no such systematic change. Even very beneficial projects in various "non-profit" organizations work only until the allocated funds are spent, and after the expiration of the time required for the existence of the project by the EU, the project falls into oblivion, and those organizations often apply for a completely different project. Research data is missing for a systemic change. Without the available research data, we cannot even expect a change in paradigms, so we continue to lag behind the more developed part of the world in this area.


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How to Cite

Mareková, H. . (2021). CULTURAL-SOCIOLOGICAL CHANGE OF PARADIGMS IN SOCIAL WORK. Proceedings of CBU in Social Sciences, 2, 247-252.
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