
  • Libuša Gužíková Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Education
  • Eleonóra Mendelová Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Education



school success, parents’ attitudes, parents’ expectations, education, socioeconomic status


One of the determining factors of a child’s success in school is the parents’ attitude towards it, and the level of parents’ expectations from their child. The study explores the parent’s attitudes toward a child’s success in school and their expectations from them. The present study is based on reviewing the relevant literature on the topic and synthesising the key findings. The results of the study show that parents’ attitudes and expectations towards the school success are determined by their education level and the importance of education in the family. The findings indicate that parents’ positive attitudes towards education and the child are indicators of a child’s success in school. Parents’ higher expectations and aspirations were manifested in the highly educated families with higher socioeconomic status.


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How to Cite

Gužíková, L. ., & Mendelová, E. (2022). PARENTAL ATTITUDES AND EXPECTATIONS AS A DETERMINANT OF CHILDREN’S SUCCESS IN SCHOOL. Proceedings of CBU in Social Sciences, 3, 35-42.
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