
  • Geanina Havârneanu Al. I. Cuza University of Iași, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Education Sciences



developmental evaluation, table of specifications, difficulty coefficient, discrimination coefficient, qualities of a standardized test


This paper aims to analyses the architecture of a longitudinal assessment tool used in a strategic project to develop mathematical creativity involving ex-ante, in itenere, and the ex-post assessment sessions.

This analysis envisages the curriculum vision of the creativity test, the teleological configuration, the types of competencies to achieve, and the operational objectives of the evaluation. The matrix explaining the operational objectives with the objectives of the creativity test, design, pretesting, and the statement of each item is discussed. The table explaining correspondence between items and the objectives of the scale are elaborated with the correction scheme and the grading scale. The difficulty and discrimination coefficient for each item are calculated, and the evaluation criteria of the overall qualities (objectivity, applicability, fidelity, and validity) is explained.


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