
  • Natalia A. Atnabayeva Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, Russian Federation
  • Vladimir G. Baltachev Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, Russian Federation
  • Yekaterina V. Troynikova Udmurt State University, Russian Federation
  • Lilia I. Khasanova Udmurt State University, Russian Federation




terminological units, Germanic languages studies, coasting crafts, medium sized vessels, tonnage vessels, semantic mapping, discrete nominations, broad-value nomination


The theory that nominative processes extended through centuries to systematic formations of special terminological meanings of professional Old and Middle English marine terminological vocabulary had already been explained in different ways based on an evidential linguistic material. There is no doubt of the historical and philosophical approaches employed to describe the ancient language representation of the native speakers’ world, as well as of the role and degree of their participation in the formation of nominations inclusive of those of ancient seafaring vehicles. Having been referenced repeatedly, both conceptually and through documents, they had confirmed their right to exist.

 In several topical articles, terminological units have already been represented by a synonymous series of proper nominations for the seafaring vessels (boats/ships) of various types by respective lexically-organized terms according to their word-formation, structural and content design in the Old and the Middle English. Despite the apparent decline of interest towards the subject of historical nominations in general, and the history of the English Marine language in particular,thereare unsettled challenges in the field. Specifically, more clarity is required regarding the incentives, degree of participation and the role of extralinguistic (human) factor in the history of a vessel-name formation, as well as in the mode of operation of the nominative apparatus for the above marine terms with respect to the of intralinguistic (language) factors involved.

Author Biographies

Yekaterina V. Troynikova, Udmurt State University, Russian Federation

Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russian Federation

Lilia I. Khasanova, Udmurt State University, Russian Federation

Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Atnabayeva, N., Baltachev, V., Troynikova, Y., & Khasanova, L. (2020). LEXICAL NOMINATION AS A REFLECTION OF CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL EXPERIENCE IN OLD ENGLISH SEAFARING . Proceedings of CBU in Social Sciences, 1, 16-20. https://doi.org/10.12955/pss.v1.39
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