
  • Victor Otieno Okech Department of Social Work, Slovakia
  • Štefan Neszméry Department of Social Work, Slovakia
  • Monika Mačkinová Department of Social Work, Slovakia



Case management, Reintegration, Social support, Social rehabilitation, Social psychiatry


The aim of this review is to determine  roles of social workers in mental healthcare teams. This study used a systematic type of literature review in meeting its objective. It involved an online search of articles published in the ProQuest Central database. The search strategy involved retrieving articles using the key words ‘Social Worker’ AND ‘Mental health care’ from the ProQuest Thesaurus.

A total of 47 articles were retrieved from the  ProQuest database. After screening and conducting an eligibility test, a total of 37 articles were excluded from the study for failing  to meet the study inclusion criteria. We included articles that; were published in the English language from 2015 to 2020, outlined roles of social workers in mental healthcare teams, and had verifiable scientific procedures. The remaining 10 articles were subjected to content analysis after fulfilling all inclusion criteria set for the study. From the results of content analysis of the 10 articles, Four (4) articles showed that roles of social workers in mental healthcare teams were those of  social support facilitators, three (3) articles showed that their roles were those of social rehabilitation specialists,  two (2) articles indicated that they played roles of  social reintegration specialists, while one (1) article showed that their roles were those case managers.

We concluded that in mental healthcare teams, social workers play roles of social support facilitators, social rehabilitation therapists, social reintegration specialists, and case managers.

Author Biographies

Victor Otieno Okech, Department of Social Work, Slovakia

Department of Social Work, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia

Štefan Neszméry, Department of Social Work, Slovakia

Department of Social Work, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia

Monika Mačkinová, Department of Social Work, Slovakia

Department of Social Work, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia


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How to Cite

Okech, V., Neszméry, Štefan ., & Mačkinová, M. . (2020). ROLES OF SOCIAL WORKERS IN MENTAL HEALTH CARE TEAMS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. Proceedings of CBU in Social Sciences, 1, 167-172.
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